LMES Administration

Justin Bartlett, LMES Principal
Justin Bartlett was born and raised in Henrico, VA. He graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2016 with a Bachelor's of Science in Sociology. Mr. Bartlett went on to University of Richmond to receive his Master's of Curriculum and Instruction ('18) and Graduate Certificate of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies ('21). He has taught in elementary for six years, 5 years of Third Grade and one year of Fourth Grade. Outside of the classroom, Mr. Bartlett takes community engagement seriously and loves to connect academics with community. He makes sure to build strong relationships with his students and their families. Mr. Bartlett is known as being a servant leader and supporting everyone he interacts with. Outside of school, Mr. Bartlett loves trying new restaurants, traveling out of the country, and collecting sneakers. Mr. Bartlett loves hands-on learning and strives to impact his students, families, and staff in positive ways every day.
A message from Principal Bartlett:
“ I am a firm believer that all students deserve a quality education no matter what barriers stand in their way. Students are the core of education and I work every day to create an environment where students want to learn and grow. That is why my mission as an educator is to show up every day, ready to empower and liberate each student and help them be the best version of themselves. I am a huge supporter of education and my goal is always to help students access their full potential. My students know I believe in them and will support them no matter what. I love working here in King and Queen and am so blessed to help lead Lawson-Marriott Elementary and even more blessed to serve the King and Queen Community."